# Creating Graphs

You have installed Graphviz, and extracted the contents of the Relationship Visualizer zip file. It is time to create some graphs.


This topic delves into extensive details. To jump directly to the graph creation examples, click here.

# Prepare a New Microsoft Excel Workbook

# Create a New Workbook from the Relationship Visualizer Template

The first action is to launch Microsoft Excel. When Excel starts, it will suggest sample spreadsheets you can create. This will contain the Relationship Visualizer template which you saved as a template as part of the installation steps. Select this template to create a new workbook.

# Save the Workbook as a Macro-Enabled Workbook

The workbook will appear as shown below.

Perform a "FILE -> Save As" action. Choose a directory where you would like to save the file and change the file name from Relationship Visualizer1 to something meaningful to you.

The most important step is to set the Save as type: dropdown list item as Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm). You will not be able to run the macros that create the visualizations unless the workbook is macro-enabled.

The Relationship Visualizer provides macros through seven Excel Fluent UI ribbon tabs named Graphviz, Style Designer, SQL, Source, SVG, and Exchange. The appropriate ribbon tab will appear and/or activate as you change worksheets.

The workbook you just saved may show a BLOCKED CONTENT message. Click the Trust Center button.

The security settings for running macros will be displayed. Choose the Enable VBA macros (not recommended; potentially dangerous code can run) radio button, and press OK.

# Close and Reopen the New Workbook

Assuming that you changed the file name from Relationship Visualizer1to something meaningful to you, you should now close the file and reopen it.

When you reopen the workbook the message stating that macros have been blocked will be gone. The spreadheet will appear as follows, displaying a data worksheet and a custom ribbon tab named Graphviz.


There is a known bug in Microsoft Excel related to custom ribbons that occurs when a File -> Save As action changes the workbook file name.

The bug is caused by the ribbon retaining a reference to the original file name, which prevents programmatic tab switching. You can either manually switch tabs as you navigate between worksheets, or close and reopen the file to allow the ribbon tabs to automatically adjust according to worksheet selections.


Any time you save a copy of the spreadsheet using File -> Save As and change the Excel workbook file name, you should close the workbook and reopen it.

# The data Worksheet

The data worksheet is the core worksheet you will use to create graphs.

Before we create our first graph, lets gain an understanding of the mandatory and optional columns on this worksheet.

# Worksheet Columns

The data Worksheet has 11 columns (A-K):

Indicator Item Tail Label Label External Label Head Label Tooltip Related Item Style Name Attributes Messages

# Indicator

The Indicator column is used to draw special attention to a row.

  • A # hash character treats the row as a comment. The text in the row will turn green, and no data in this row will be included in the graph.
  • An ! exclamation mark character will appear if errors are detected in your data on this row. The row will turn red, and an error message will be displayed in the Messages column.

# Item

The Item column serves two purposes.

  • For nodes, it is a unique identifier of the node.
  • For edges, it is the unique identifier of the from node in a (from, to) node pairing.
  • mandatory column.

# Tail Label

The Tail Label column contains a text label to be placed near the tail of an edge.

  • Only used if an edge relationship has been specified.
  • Optional column, hidden by default.
  • Inclusion in graph can be toggled on/off.

# Label

The Label column contains text to use to label a node, edge, or cluster.

  • When specified for nodes, the value is placed inside the shape.
  • When specified for edges, the value is placed near the spline.
  • Optional column.
  • Inclusion in graph can be toggled on/off.

# External Label

The External Label column contains text to use to label a node, or an edge.

  • When specified for nodes, the value is placed outside the shape, typically above and to the left of the shape.
  • When specified for edges, the value is placed away from the spline.
  • Optional column, hidden by default.
  • Inclusion in graph can be toggled on/off.

If neither a Label or External Label is specified then the graph will default to showing the Item value as the inside label of nodes, and no data for edges.

# Head Label

The Head Label column contains a text label to be placed near the head of an edge.

  • Only used if an edge relationship has been specified.
  • Optional column, hidden by default.
  • Inclusion in graph can be toggled on/off.

# Tooltip

The Tooltip column specifies text to be displayed as a tooltip for clusters, nodes, or edges.

  • Only applies to graphs saved as files in the SVG format.
  • Optional column, hidden by default.

The Related Item column is the unique identifier of the to node in a (from, to) node pairing.

  • Mandatory column when specifying a relationship (edge).

# Style Name

The Style Name column indicates which style definition in the styles worksheet to use when drawing the graph.

  • Optional column.
  • Inclusion in graph can be toggled on/off.

# Attributes

The Attributes column provides a means to add extra elements of style which will only apply to a single row. For example, you can place style attributes in this column to change the color of a key relationship, or the fill color of a key shape you wish to highlight.

  • Optional column.
  • Inclusion in graph can be toggled on/off.

# Messages

When the graphing macros run, they check for common data mistakes, such as specifying only one node for an edge.

If mistakes are found, they are reported in this column. Additionally, an exclamation mark (!) is placed in the Indicator column, and the row is highlighted in red to draw your attention to the error.

  • Column is hidden by default.
  • Column is shown if an error is detected.

# Show Hidden Columns

The columns for Tail Label (C), External Label (E), Head Label (F), Tooltip (G), and Messages (K) are hidden by default, since they are less frequently used.

You can quickly toggle the visibility of these columns by selecting the column name from the list in the dropdown menu beneath the Columns button in the Toggles.

# Graph Construction Basic Concepts

# Creating Your First Graph

The simplest way to draw a graph is to place values in the Item and the Related Item columns.

  • If the Automatic checkbox is checked the graph will draw as data is entered into each cell.
  • If the Automatic checkbox is not checked, press the Refresh Graph button is necessary to draw the graph.

For our first graph, we will draw an 'a' is related to 'b' relationship.

  1. Click on the Graphviz ribbon tab to activate it (if it is not the current active tab)
  2. Click the Automatic checkbox (if it is not already checked)
  3. Ensure the Workbook dropdown is set to data, which will cause the graph to be displayed within the data worksheet.
  4. In row 3 type 'a' in the Item column, and 'b' in the Related Item column. The result will be drawn beside the data as you change cells.

The results should resemble the following example:

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    a -> b;

Congratulations, you have created your first graph!

# Connect More Items

Next, lets expand upon the graph we just created to have additional relationships. Assume that:

  • 'a' is related to 'b' (already drawn)
  • 'b' is related to 'c'
  • 'c' is related to 'a'

The Excel data appears as shown on rows 3-5. The Excel worksheet now looks like:

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    a -> b;
    b -> c;
    c -> a;

# Add Edge Labels

Now, let us add data into the Label column to label the relationships. Fill in Column D as shown below. Press the Refresh Graph button, and the Excel worksheet now looks like:

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    a -> b[ label="is related to" ];
    b -> c[ label="is related to" ];
    c -> a[ label="is related to" ];

# Add Node Labels

The graph is how we want to see it, but the nodes need to be labeled. We do not want to change all our edges; however, we would like to replace 'a' with 'Alpha', 'b' with 'Bravo', and 'c' with 'Charlie'. The Relationship Visualizer assumes that when there is information in the Item column, but not in the Related Item column that the data corresponds to a node.

To label the nodes we will add 3 node definitions to the "data worksheet (rows 6, 7, 8) and press the Refresh Graph button. The Excel worksheet now looks like:

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    a -> b[ label="is related to" ];
    b -> c[ label="is related to" ];
    c -> a[ label="is related to" ];
    a [ label="Alpha" ];
    b [ label="Bravo" ];
    c [ label="Charlie" ];

# Apply a pre-defined node style

Next we will apply a pre-defined style to the nodes. Later on we will learn how to create our own node styles, but for now we will choose one of the default styles provided out of the box.

On rows 7, 8, and 9 tab to the Style Name column. A dropdown list will appear. Select the style Medium Square. The Excel worksheet now looks like:

Graphviz Source

strict digraph "main"
digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    a -> b[ label="is related to" ];
    b -> c[ label="is related to" ];
    c -> a[ label="is related to" ];
    a [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Alpha" ];
    b [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Bravo" ];
    c [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Charlie" ];

# Apply a pre-defined edge style

Next we will apply a pre-defined style to the edges. Later on we will learn how to create our own edge styles, but for now we will choose one of the default styles provided out of the box.

On rows 3, 4, and 5 move to the Style Name column. A dropdown list will appear. Select the style Flow - Positive. This style uses the color dark green.

The Excel worksheet now looks like:

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    a -> b[ fontname=Arial fontsize=10 color=darkgreen fontcolor=darkgreen arrowsize=0.5 label="is related to" ];
    b -> c[ fontname=Arial fontsize=10 color=darkgreen fontcolor=darkgreen arrowsize=0.5 label="is related to" ];
    c -> a[ fontname=Arial fontsize=10 color=darkgreen fontcolor=darkgreen arrowsize=0.5 label="is related to" ];
    a [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Alpha" ];
    b [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Bravo" ];
    c [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Charlie" ];

# Apply an attribute to an edge

Next we will override the color on one of the edges.

On rows 5 move to the Attributes column. Enter the value color="red". The edge color will change from dark green to red. The font color, however will remain dark green.

The Excel worksheet now looks like:

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    a -> b[ fontname=Arial fontsize=10 color=darkgreen fontcolor=darkgreen arrowsize=0.5 label="is related to" ];
    b -> c[ fontname=Arial fontsize=10 color=darkgreen fontcolor=darkgreen arrowsize=0.5 label="is related to" ];
    c -> a[ fontname=Arial fontsize=10 color=darkgreen fontcolor=darkgreen arrowsize=0.5 color="red" label="is related to" ];
    a [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Alpha" ];
    b [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Bravo" ];
    c [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Charlie" ];

# Specify Ports

Graphviz decides what it thinks is the best placement of the head and tail of an edge to produce a balanced graph.

Sometimes you might want to control where the edges begin or end. You can do that by specifying a port on the Item or Related Item ID, in the same manner as a URL. Ports are identified by a colon character : and then a compass point n, s, e, w, ne, nw, se, sw or c for center.

Lets change row 5 from the example above to have the edge from "c" to "a" exit from the east port of "c", and enter the east port of "a". The Item is now specified as c:e, and the Related Item is specified as a:e as shown in row 5. Press the Refresh Graph button, and the Excel worksheet now looks like:

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    a -> b[ fontname=Arial fontsize=10 color=darkgreen fontcolor=darkgreen arrowsize=0.5 label="is related to" ];
    b -> c[ fontname=Arial fontsize=10 color=darkgreen fontcolor=darkgreen arrowsize=0.5 label="is related to" ];
    c:e -> a:e[ fontname=Arial fontsize=10 color=darkgreen fontcolor=darkgreen arrowsize=0.5 color="red" label="is related to" ];
    a [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Alpha" ];
    b [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Bravo" ];
    c [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Charlie" ];

# Straighten Edges

Graphviz has a weight attribute which tells it to favor straighter lines. Lets add the attribute on rows 3, and 4 to tidy up the diagram. In the Attributes column add the value weight=10. The graph now appears as:

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    a -> b[ fontname=Arial fontsize=10 color=darkgreen fontcolor=darkgreen arrowsize=0.5 weight=10 label="is related to" ];
    b -> c[ fontname=Arial fontsize=10 color=darkgreen fontcolor=darkgreen arrowsize=0.5 weight=10 label="is related to" ];
    c:e -> a:e[ fontname=Arial fontsize=10 color=darkgreen fontcolor=darkgreen arrowsize=0.5 color="red" label="is related to" ];
    a [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Alpha" ];
    b [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Bravo" ];
    c [ shape=square height=0.5 width=0.5 fixedsize=True style=filled penwidth=1 fontname=Arial fontsize=8 label="Charlie" ];

# Delete all data

Lets start by clearing the data worksheet so that we can create a new graph with clusters. Click on the Delete dropdown list, and choose Delete all data. Notice that if you hover the mouse over the menu item a tooltip of help will appear.

Once you click Delete all data the data worksheet is reset to blank form.

# Specify Clusters

With the data worksheet cleared, lets create a new graph.

If you wish to cluster some elements of the graph you can do so by adding a row with an open brace "{" in the Item column above the first row of data to be placed in the group and provide a title for the cluster in the Label column. Next, add row with a close brace "}" in the Item column after the last row of data.

For example, this Excel worksheet does not have clusters.

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    start -> a0;
    a0 -> a1;
    a1 -> a2;
    a2 -> end;

To cluster nodes a0, a1, and a2, calling the cluster "process #1" the worksheet is revised to add an open brace {with the label "process #1" on row 3, and a close brace } on rows 6 as follows.

Press the Refresh Graph button, and the Excel worksheet now looks like:

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    start -> a0;
    subgraph "cluster_1" {  label="process #1"
        a0 -> a1;
        a1 -> a2;
    a2 -> end;

# Specify Clusters Within Clusters

Graphviz permits clusters within clusters. Let us extend the example by adding an additional set of braces to cluster the relationship between a1 and a2. We will insert a new row 5 placing an open brace { in the Item column with the Label column set to "process #2", and a new row 7 with a close brace } in the Item column.

Press the Refresh Graph button, and the Excel worksheet now looks like:

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    start -> a0;
    subgraph "cluster_1" {  label="process #1"
        a0 -> a1;
        subgraph "cluster_2" {  label="process #2"
            a1 -> a2;
    a2 -> end;

Graphviz does not limit the number of clusters you can have. In this example, we have added rows 10-14 to insert an additional cluster labeled "process #3".

Press the Refresh Graph button, and the Excel worksheet now looks like:

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    start -> a0;
    subgraph "cluster_1" {  label="process #1"
        a0 -> a1;
        subgraph "cluster_2" {  label="process #2"
            a1 -> a2;
    a2 -> end;
    start -> b0;
    subgraph "cluster_3" {  label="process #3"
        b0 -> b1;
    b1 -> end;

What is important to note is that you must ensure that you have an equal number of open braces as you do close braces.


Graphviz will not draw the graph if there is a mismatch between the number of open { and close } braces.

# Specify Comma-separated Items

Another feature of the Relationship Visualizer is the ability to specify a comma-separated list of Item names and have a relationship created for each Item. For example, we can say that Mr. Brady is the father of Greg, Peter, and Bobby on one row as follows:

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    "Mr. Brady" -> Greg[ label="Father of" ];
    "Mr. Brady" -> Peter[ label="Father of" ];
    "Mr. Brady" -> Bobby[ label="Father of" ];

The comma-separated list can also appear in the Item column, such as:

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    Marcia -> "Mrs. Brady"[ label="Daughter of" ];
    Jan -> "Mrs. Brady"[ label="Daughter of" ];
    Cindy -> "Mrs. Brady"[ label="Daughter of" ];

Or a comma-separated list can be used in both the Item, and the Related Item column such as the parental relationship below:

Graphviz Source

digraph "Relationship Visualizer"
    "Mr. Brady" -> Greg;
    "Mr. Brady" -> Peter;
    "Mr. Brady" -> Bobby;
    "Mr. Brady" -> Marcia;
    "Mr. Brady" -> Jan;
    "Mr. Brady" -> Cindy;
    "Mrs. Brady" -> Greg;
    "Mrs. Brady" -> Peter;
    "Mrs. Brady" -> Bobby;
    "Mrs. Brady" -> Marcia;
    "Mrs. Brady" -> Jan;
    "Mrs. Brady" -> Cindy;

# The Graphviz Ribbon Tab

Now that you understand the basics to create graphs, let us look at the features contained in the Graphviz ribbon tab. The Graphviz ribbon tab is activated whenever the data graph, styles, settings or about… worksheet is activated. It appears as follows:

It contains the following major groups:

  • Graph to Worksheet
  • Graph to File
  • Algorithm
  • Options
  • Toggles
  • Debug
  • Help

# Graph to Worksheet

Label Control Type Description
Refresh Graph Button The action button that causes the Excel data to be graphed by Graphviz and then displayed within the Excel workbook.
Automatic Checkbox When checked, keystrokes are monitored and as cell changes are detected the graph is automatically refreshed (also requires that Graph in worksheet is set to data).
Scale Dropdown Lets you scale the image displayed in Excel at 100%, 75%, 50%, or 25% so as the graph gets larger, you can see more of it within the workbook without having to scroll.
Delete all data Button Resets the data worksheet to blank cells, and deletes any graphs if present.
View Dropdown list The name of the column in the styles worksheet which controls which set of Yes/No values to use when creating the diagrams. This dropdown list is explained in more detail in the section Creating Views.
Image Type Dropdown list Image format to use when displaying the graph on the data or graph worksheet of the Relationship Visualizer.

  • bmp - Microsoft Windows Bitmap format
  • gif - Graphics Interchange Format
  • jpg - Joint Photographic Experts Group format
  • png - Portable Network Graphics format
  • svg - Scalable Vector Graphics
Note: SVG images only display in Office 365; they do not display in older versions of Excel.
Worksheet Dropdown list The worksheet in the current workbook where the graph should be displayed

  • data - The graph is displayed in the data worksheet to the right of the data columns.
  • graph - The graph is displayed in the graph worksheet, and the graph worksheet is activated. This setting is useful for large graphs as it allows you to use Excel's magnification Zoom-In/Zoom-out feature. It is also useful when you want to flip back and forth between the data and the graph to correct errors in the data.

# Graph to File

A tutorial on how to use these ribbon options is contained in the section Publishing Graphs.

Label Control Type Description
Graph to File Button The action button that causes the Excel data to be graphed by Graphviz and then written to a file.
All views to File Button The action button that causes the Excel data to be graphed by Graphviz and then written to a file repeatedly for every view defined in the Styles worksheet.
Get Directory Button Brings up the Directory Selection dialog and stores/displays the directory where the files should be written to. Once a directory is selected the directory path replaces the "Get Directory" button label.
File Prefix Edit box Base portion of the file name. For example: Graph.

You may also build a file name using the following character strings in the file prefix to insert run-time values into the file name.
  • %D - Current date
  • %T - Current time
  • %E - Graphviz layout engine
  • %S - Splines
  • %V - View name
  • %W - Worksheet name
NOTE: You must check the appropriate options in the Filename options dropdown list for the substitutions to occur.
File Format Dropdown List File format of the output file.

  • bmp - Microsoft Windows Bitmap format
  • gif - Graphics Interchange Format
  • jpg - Joint Photographic Experts Group format
  • pdf - Portable Document Format
  • png - Portable Network Graphics format
  • ps - Postscript format
  • svg - Scalable Vector Graphics format
  • tiff - Tagged Image File Format
Filename options Dropdown List A list of options which can be checked which will cause run-time information to be appended or omitted from the file name.
Add date/time to the filename Check box Option to add a date and time to the file name.

  • Checked - Add the date and time
  • Unchecked - Omit the date and time
Add Layout/Splines to the filename Check box Option to add the layout engine and spline type to the file name.

  • Checked - Add the options
  • Unchecked - Omit the options

# Algorithm

The Algorithm group within the Graphviz tab changes dynamically based upon the layout algorithm chosen. The graph options shown are specific to that particular layout algorithm.

# Layout = circo

# Layout = dot

# Layout = fdp

# Layout = neato

# Layout = osage

# Layout = patchwork

# Layout = sfdp

# Layout = twopi

Label Control Type Description
Layout Dropdown list Specifies which Graphviz layout program to use when drawing the graph.

  • circo
  • dot
  • fdp
  • neato
  • osage
  • patchwork
  • sfdp
  • twopi
See Layout Algorithms for more information on how the algorithms draw the graphs.
Splines Dropdown list Specifies how the edges between nodes should be drawn. See the examples in the Splines section.

  • curved
  • line
  • none
  • ortho
  • polyline
  • spline
Directed graph Checkbox Specifies if the graph should be drawn as a Directed Graph or an Undirected Graph.

  • Checked - Graph will be drawn with arrowheads.
  • Unchecked - Graph will be drawn without arrowheads.
Direction Dropdown list

This setting controls the way that shapes are placed when the dot layout engine is used. This option will be hidden from the ribbon if the graphing engine is set to anything other than dot.

  • TB - top to bottom
  • BR - bottom to top
  • LR - left to right
  • RL - right to left
Rank ignoring clusters Checkbox Adds a newrank="true" attribute when checked. This choice will only be present if the layout algorithm is set to dot.

See Clusters - Aligning Nodes across Clusters for more information.
Allow edges between clusters Checkbox Adds a compound="true" attribute when checked. If compound="true", allows edges between clusters.

See Clusters - Depicting a Relationship from or to a Cluster for more information.

# Options

# Graph

Optional attributes which can be checked for inclusion in the Graphviz source. These attributes have graph-level scope.

Label Control Type Description
Center Drawing Checkbox Checking this item will cause the graph to be centered in the page, assuming the graph is smaller than the page size.
Force xlabel placement Checkbox If checked, all xlabel attributes are placed, even if there is some overlap with nodes or other labels.
Rotate 90 counterclockwise Checkbox If checked, causes the final layout to be rotated counterclockwise by 90 degrees.
Transparent Background Checkbox Toggles the background color between white and transparent.

Transparent backgrounds are useful if you intend to layer the graphs in an image editor or paste them into a Microsoft Word document.

  • Checked - Background is transparent

  • Unchecked - Graph background is white.

Note: It is possible to set the graph background color to any valid color by specifying the bgcolor= attribute as a graph option on the settings worksheet.
Include image path Checkbox If checked, adds the imagepath attribute to the graph.

  • Checked - Path to the images is added.
  • Unchecked - Path to images is omitted.

# Node

Choices which control which nodes are included in the Graphviz source, and how the labels should be represented.

Label Control Type Description
Include stand-alone nodes Checkbox Include or exclude nodes without relationships (i.e., island nodes). When using views to exclude relationship edges there may be nodes left in the diagram that are not connected to anything. This setting specifies if these island nodes should be included or excluded from the diagram.

  • Checked - retain the island nodes
  • Unchecked - drop the island nodes from the diagram
Label Columns
Include Label Checkbox Include or exclude Labels column data? Allows you to turn labels on/off in the graph.

  • Checked - Include Label column data
  • Unchecked - Drop the Label column data from the graph
Include External Label Checkbox Include or exclude External Labels column data? Allows you to turn outside (xlabel) labels on/off in the graph.

  • Checked - Include External Label column data
  • Unchecked - Drop the External Label column data from the graph
Label Values
When the Label column is blank… Menu Include or exclude blank values in the Label column?

When the Label column is blank on the data worksheet on a row which refers to a node it can mean two possible things. One interpretation is to remove the label from the node, as might be useful when using images to represent nodes. The other interpretation is to let the graph default to displaying the value in the Item column.

  • …use blank for the node label - use a blank label as the node's label text
  • …use the node identifier as the label - show the value in the Item column as the label text

# Edge

Choices which control how edges should be specified in the Graphviz source, and how the edge labels should be represented.

Label Control Type Description
Apply "strict" rules Checkbox Specifies the strict attribute for the top-level graph. Describing the graph as strict forbids the creation of multi-edges, i.e., there can be at most one edge with a given tail node and head node in the directed case. For undirected graphs, there can be at most one edge connected to the same two nodes. Subsequent edge statements using the same two nodes will identify the edge with the previously defined one and apply any attributes given in the edge statement.

  • Checked - Includes the strict attribute

    Edges have been consolidated.
  • Unchecked - Omits the strict attribute

    Edges have not been consolidated.
Concentrate edges Checkbox If checked, use edge concentrators. This merges multi-edges into a single edge and causes partially parallel edges to share part of their paths. This feature is only available if the layout algorithm is dot.

  • Checked - Include the concentrate attribute

    Edges have been concentrated
  • Unchecked - Omits the concentrate attribute

    Edges are not concentrated
Include edges which reference undefined nodes Checkbox Include/Exclude relationships Include stand-alone edges (i.e., orphan edges). When using views to exclude nodes there may be un-styled nodes included in the diagram due to edge references. This setting specifies if the edges should be included or excluded from the diagram.

  • Checked - retain edges which have references to undefined nodes
  • Unchecked - drop any edges which do not refer to defined nodes
Include Ports Checkbox Retain/Remove port values from the nodes in an edge relationship. Given:

  • Checked - retain the ports when creating the edge syntax.

    a:n -> b:s
  • Unchecked - removes the ports specified when creating the edge syntax.

    a -> b
Label Columns
Include Label Checkbox Include or exclude Labels column data? Allows you to turn edge labels on/off in the graph.

  • Checked - Include Label column data
  • Unchecked - Omit the Label column data from the graph
Include External Label Include or exclude External Labels column data? Allows you to turn outside (xlabel) edge labels on/off in the graph.

  • Checked - Include External Label column data
  • Unchecked - Omit the External Label column data from the graph
Include Head Label Checkbox Include or exclude Head Labels column data? Allows you to turn edge head labels on/off in the graph.

  • Checked - Include Head Label column data
  • Unchecked - Omit the Head Label column data from the graph
Include Tail Label Checkbox Include or exclude Tail Labels column data? Allows you to turn edge tail labels on/off in the graph.

  • Checked - Include Tail Label column data
  • Unchecked - Omit the Table Label column data from the graph
Label Values
When the Label column is blank… Menu Include or exclude blank values in the Label column?

When the Label column is blank on the data worksheet on a row which refers to an edge it can mean two possible things. One interpretation is to remove the label from the edge. The other interpretation is to let the graph default to displaying the value Graphviz assigns to the edge relationship.

  • …the label is blank - use the blank label as the node's label text
  • …use the edge name as the label - show the value in the Item column as the label text

# Toggles

Label Control Type Description
Use styles Checkbox Specifies if the style attributes associated with the Style Name assigned to a node, edge, or cluster should be used when the graph is generated.

  • Checked - use the style format
  • Unchecked - do not use the style format (i.e., use default Graphviz rendering method)
Use attributes Checkbox Specifies if the Attributes style attributes on the data worksheet should be included or omitted when the graph is generated.

  • Checked - include the style attributes
  • Unchecked - do not include the style attributes
Columns Dropdown List A list of column names on the data worksheet which can be displayed or hidden.

  • Checked - show the column
  • Unchecked - hide the column

# Debug

Label Control Type Description
Debugging labels Checkbox Turning this option to on causes additional information such as the row number and Item identifiers to be included in the labels of nodes, edges, and clusters.

  • Unchecked - Do not add information to the labels
  • Checked - Add information to the labels

Keep dot source Checkbox Specifies what should be done with the text file sent to Graphviz after the graphing step is complete when Graph to File is used to create the graph.

  • Checked - retain the file. It will be in the same directory as the graph file with the same file name except for the file extension (which will be .gv).
  • Unchecked - delete the file
Clear errors Button Resets the error message column

# Help

Provides the Help content for the Graphviz ribbon tab.

Label Control Type Description
Help Button Provides a link to this web page.